Leigh Pride

I had seen and met Jon when I was at work and he was just walking down the street, I ran out to get an autograph and he was more than happy to oblige. He was in a rush but still took the time to ask my name and make general chit chat. That was great, then my friend who works at a hotel here in Melbourne told me Jon Voight was staying there while he made "Noahs Ark". So I decided to drop a rose off at his hotel with a note attached saying how much I love his work and also with my name and phone number. I just did it as a sign of my appreciation to him and his great work. On the way home I called into see a friend, came back out and there was a message on my mobile phone, I read it sure enough, a voice message from Jon Voight, thanking me for the lovely rose. I got home and Mum told me he had called looking for me so she gave him my mobile number.

The next day I rang the hotel and got put through to Jon's room. He said he didn't know why a young lady would send him a rose and he would love to meet me to catch up and thank me for it. So before that days filming I drove into his hotel and sure enough there was the man waiting for me. He gave me a big kiss and a huge hug. Then asked why him? Like gees what do you say. We stood around chatting in the Hotel for about 30 minutes, he signed about three or four things I had taken in for him and also had a couple of pictures taken with him, he said it was a pleasure meeting me, and still was amazed why I sent him the rose. But he was very grateful as it brightened his boring hotel room. As I was leaving he again kissed and hugged me like there was no tomorrow, he is a very sweet guy and considering he is one of the biggest actors around, very down to earth and very very sincere.

This "Meeting with Jon" was written by Leigh Pride . Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience :)